Lamb Rentals            

P.O. Box 1445

Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133-1445

Phone # 615-896-5658

Mobil # 615-804-1241

Keep Mouse on Picture above to see Before and After

Siegel House Move

Click House Picture

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We Specialize in taking your old home and making it something new.

    As progress moves through our Great Nation it often doesn't stop when it comes to our homes. Is a new road or Shopping Center taking your Home? If so that is what we are all about. Lamb Rentals specializes in the moving and restoration  of a home that must be moved or torn down. We will be glad to look at your Home in Rutherford County. Give us a call if you know of a House that must be moved.

We Frequently have newly remodeled homes for sale in Rutherford County.

Possible Owner Financing

Give us a call today: 615-896-5658


E-Mail Lamb Rentals

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Please use this form to contact us.  We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.  

You may also phone our agency and speak to a representative 8 - 5 M-F. 

( 615 ) 896-5658

(615) 804-1241

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Revised 02/03/2007

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